Regular Article
Elastic collision rates of spin-polarized fermions in two dimensions
Department of Physics and Applied Mathematics, Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Science (PIEAS), 45650, Nilore, Islamabad, Pakistan
Department of Physics, University of Mianwali, 42200, Mianwali, Pakistan
Department of Physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2-12-1 O-okayama, 152-8550, Meguro, Tokyo, Japan
Center for Mathematical Sciences, PIEAS, 45650, Nilore, Islamabad, Pakistan
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We study the p-wave elastic collision rates in a two-dimensional spin-polarized ultracold Fermi gas in the presence of a p-wave Feshbach resonance. We derive the analytical relation of the elastic collision rate coefficient in the close vicinity of resonance when the effective range is dominant. The elastic collision rate is enhanced by an exponential scaling of towards the resonance. Here,
is the resonant momentum and
is the thermal momentum. An analogous expression derived for the case of three dimensions successfully explains the thermalization rates measurement in the recent experiment (Phys Rev A 88:012710, 2013). In the zero-range limit where the effective range is negligible, the elastic collision rate coefficient is proportional to temperature
and scattering area
. Using these elastic collision rates, we studied the energy transfer from high to low velocity through p-wave collision. We also discuss the collisional stability in the presence of three-body losses in the background scattering limit. Our results may provide insight into the dynamics of the two-dimensional spin-polarized ultracold Fermi gas.
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