Regular Article
Simulation of the electron acceleration in the waveguide with Piet-Hein cross section
Department of Laser and Photonics, Faculty of Physics, University of Kashan, Kashan, Islamic Republic of Iran
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This article investigates the acceleration of an injected electron inside a waveguide with a Piet-Hein cross section and a perfect electric conductor wall containing cold non-magnetized plasma. At first, by applying the boundary conditions, the electromagnetic field components are calculated numerically for TE modes. Then the dispersion curves will be drawn, and the cutoff frequency of different modes will be analyzed. In the following, by injecting an electron into the waveguide and considering its interaction with the electromagnetic field, the relativistic equations of energy and momentum will be solved, and the acceleration of the electron will be calculated. Acceleration gradient, deflection angle, and electron trajectory will be discussed. Also, the effect of plasma density on particle acceleration is investigated and compared.
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