2023 Impact factor 2.8


EPJ E Highlight - Breaking an electrolyte’s charge neutrality

Electrical charge (red) builds up on a varied cross-section channel. Credit: Malgaretti et al. (2024).

Excess charge builds up in salt solutions due to interactions between electrostatic forces and a channel’s varying cross section

Plant vascular circulation, ion channels, our own lymphatic network, and many energy harvesting systems rely on the transport of dissolved salt solutions through tortuous conduits. These solutions, or electrolytes, maintain a positive or negative charge that’s vital to how the system functions. However, this charge balance depends on the properties of the channel that contains the fluid. In a study published in EPJ E, Paolo Malgaretti, of the Helmholtz Institute Erlangen-Nürnberg for Renewable Energy/Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, and his colleagues, now derive equations that describe how local electrical charge in electrolytes changes in channels with varying cross sections, at equilibrium. The result could help to predict pathways for charged particles in biological and technological systems.


EPJ Web of Conferences Highlight - MESON 2023 – 17th International Workshop on Meson Physics

MESON 2023 in Kraków, Poland.

The 17th International Workshop on Meson Physics-Meson 2023, took place in Kraków from 22nd to 27th June 2023.

The Meson conference series has a long standing tradition and is organised by the Institute of Physics of Jagiellonian University, GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion Research, INFN-LNF Frascati and Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Science, in Kraków. It brings together experimentalists and theorists involved in studies of meson production, interactions, internal structure and meson properties in strongly interacting matter.


EPJ Plus Highlight - Unlocking the full potential of Auger electron spectroscopy

Different regimes of core-hole creation and recombination

A new computational approach makes more realistic assumptions about the redistribution of energy during the Auger process, improving the accuracy of Auger electron spectroscopy.

Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) is an incredibly useful technique for probing material samples – but current assumptions about the process ignore some of the key time-dependent effects it involves. So far, this has resulted in overly-simplified calculations, which have ultimately prevented the technique from reaching its full potential.

Through a new study published in EPJ Plus, Alberto Noccera at the University of British Columbia, Canada, together with Adrian Feiguin at Northeastern University, United States, developed a new computational approach which offers a more precise theoretical description of the AES process, while taking its time dependence into account. Their method could help researchers to improve their quality of material analysis across a wide array of fields: including chemistry, environmental science, and microelectronics.


EPJ A Topical Collection: AGATA: Advancements in science and technology

Guest Editors: Nicolas Alamanos, Maria Jose Garcia Borge, Angela Bracco, Emmanuel Clément, Andres Gadea, Wolfram Korten, Silvia Leoni and John Simpson

The Advanced GAmma Tracking Array (AGATA) is a major European project, involving over 40 institutes in 12 countries, to develop and operate a high-resolution gamma-ray tracking spectrometer. Gamma-ray tracking requires the accurate determination of the energy, time and position of every interaction as a gamma ray deposits its energy within the detector volume. This is achieved by using electrically segmented hyper pure germanium detectors, pulse shape analysis of the digitised signals, and tracking algorithms to reconstruct the full event. The AGATA 4π geometry comprises 180 tapered-hexagonal coaxial detectors. AGATA can measure gamma rays from 10’s of keV to 10 MeV with excellent efficiency and position resolution and has a very high count rate capability. These features result in an instrument with a resolving power of two orders of magnitude larger than previous spectrometers, such as EUROBALL in Europe and Gammasphere in the USA. A similar tracking spectrometer is being constructed in the USA, called GRETA.


EPJ B Highlight - Investigating the role of random walks in particle diffusion

Distribution curve with sharp central peak

Theoretical analysis reveals new insights into unusual patterns displayed by diffusing particles in recent experiments.

Several recent experiments identify unusual patterns in particle diffusion, hinting at some underlying complexity in the process which physicists have yet to discover. Through new analysis published in EPJ B, Adrian Pacheco-Pozo and Igor Sokolov at Humboldt University of Berlin show how this behaviour emerges through strong correlations between the positions of diffusing particles travelling along similar trajectories. Their results could help researchers to create better models of the diffusion process – ultimately drawing deeper insights into how fluids behave.


EPS Young Minds extends EPJ Scientific Advisory Committee as first Early Career Physics Network

Mattia Ostinato

The Steering Committee of EPJ is delighted to welcome Mattia Ostinato, as the representative of the EPS Young Minds. The EPS Young Minds is the first Early Career Physicists Network to join in a move to extend the traditional Scientific Advisory Committee with a broader range of professional scientific networks providing the EPJ publishers collectively with relevant expertise and perspectives on all aspects of scientific publishing

Mattia Ostinato is a PhD student at the University of Barcelona (UB), where he works in the field of molecular dynamics simulations for soft matter systems, with a focus on magnetically driven colloidal dynamics. He has been an EPS member since 2015, and is part of the EPS Young Minds Action Committee since 2020.

EPJ D Topical Issue: Dynamics and Photodynamics: From Isolated Molecules to the Condensed Phase

Guest Editors: Luis Bañares, Ramón Hernández-Lamoneda, Pascal Larregaray, Germán Rojas-Lorenzo and Jesús Rubayo-Soneira

Dynamics and photodynamics: from isolated molecules to the condensed phase is a highly interdisciplinary topical issue with numerous connections between traditional branches of physics and chemistry.

The issue provides a snapshot of current research in different areas of molecular systems science. It consists of 12 contributions representing both experimental and theoretical studies, ranging from fundamental mechanisms to more applied levels, which are essential in numerous applications of nanotechnology and material science. The contributions featured in this issue encompass a wide range of areas, including spectroscopy, photodissociation, dynamics of reactions involving neutral and charged cluster systems, carbon nanotubes and various other subjects.

This topical issue is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Photodynamics Conference, held in Havana in November 2022.

All articles are available here and are freely accessible until 15 March 2024. For further information read the Editorial.

25 Years of EPJ – Supporting Early Career Researchers in 2023

EPJ 25th anniversary grant logo

2023 saw the 25th anniversary of the creation of the European Physical Journal (EPJ). To celebrate this landmark, one year ago the Steering Committee announced that EPJ would provide increased support of early career researchers, making a commitment to provide grants for young researcher meetings throughout the year.

The call for grant applications saw a great response, and we were delighted to be able to approve 23 of these conferences across a broad range of subjects including statistical physics, biophysics, optics, and high energy and particle physics. To meet the criteria, these were either meetings aimed specifically at young researchers, or included some session dedicated to early career scientists. The full list of supported young researcher conferences is given below, and spans meetings in Europe, the USA, India and South Africa.


EPJ E Colloquium - Convective mixing in porous media: A review of Darcy, pore-scale and Hele-Shaw studies

Solute concentration field of a convective flow in a porous medium

When a porous medium is filled with two fluid layers of different density, with the heavier fluid sitting on top of the lighter one, the system may become unstable. Due to the vertical density contrast, convective finger-like structures can form and accelerate fluid mixing. This configuration is representative of a variety of systems of practical interest, particularly in geophysical processes.


EPJ C: Francesco Forti new Editor-in-Chief for Experimental Physics I: Accelerator Based High-Energy Physics

Extracted from Photograph: Ordan, Julien © 2019-2023 CERN

The publishers of The European Physical Journal C – Particles and Fields are pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Francesco Forti as new Editor-in-Chief for Experimental Physics I: Accelerator Based High-Energy Physics, replacing Professor Günther Dissertori as of 1 January 2024.

Francesco Forti is Professor of Experimental Physics at the “Enrico Fermi” Physics Department of the Pisa University. His main scientific interests are in flavor physics and particle physics instrumentation. He is currently working in the Belle II collaboration at KEK and member of the ICFA Instrumentation, Innovation and Development Panel.

B. Fraboni and G. García López
Thank you very much once again for your excellent work.

Ignazio Ciufolini, Università del Salento, Lecce, Italy

ISSN: 2190-5444 (Electronic Edition)

© Società Italiana di Fisica and