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Logical stochastic resonance induced by electromagnetic fluctuation in the memristive FitzHugh–Nagumo Neuron
Department of Physics, College of Science, Huazhong Agricultural University, 430070, Wuhan, China
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Stochastic noises in a nonlinear system can play constructive roles in performing logic operation, which is known as logical stochastic resonance (LSR). Recent studies show that reliable logic gates can be built based on artificial neuron models. The biological neurons and neural circuits are encompassed in stochastic fluctuated electromagnetic environments, whose effects to the neuronal LSR are still unclear. Here a flux-controlled memristor is incorporated into the FitzHugh–Nagumo (FHN) neuron model for mimicking the electromagnetic effects. We explored how electromagnetic fluctuation intensity and feedback gain of electromagnetic induction affect the neuronal firing dynamics. The results show that the memristive FHN neuron can perform reliable logic operations based on appropriate electromagnetic parameters, and the flux-controlled memristor can potentially change the operational mode of the neuron-based logic gate in response to changes of electromagnetic environments. The findings obtained here could provide basic clues for understanding electromagnetic environmental effects to neuron-inspired logic devices and contribute to the development of neuron-inspired logic device or computing module for neuromorphic systems.
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