Regular Article
Enhance controllability of a memristive neuron under magnetic field and circuit approach
College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, 730050, Lanzhou, China
Department of Physics, Lanzhou University of Technology, 730050, Lanzhou, China
School of Information Science and Engineering, Dalian Polytechnic University, 116034, Dalian, China
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A quiescent neuron develops static electric field in the media beside two sides of the cell membrane. In presence of external electric stimuli or electromagnetic radiation, the neurons can be excited to induce time-varying electric field and magnetic field during continuous pumping of intracellular ions. When external magnetic field is applied to the media, the ions propagation across the ion channels are affected and the firing patterns are changed. In this paper, a magnetic flux-controlled memristor (MFCM) is connected into a FitzHugh–Nagumo (FHN) neural circuit to build a memristive circuit, and its equivalent memristive neuron can perceive the modulation from external magnetic field. The circuit equations are obtained under Kirchhoff’s law and field energy function for the neural circuit is defined, and then scale transformation is applied to obtain its equivalent neuron model and dimensionless energy function. The Hamilton energy function for this memristive neuron can also be obtained by using the Helmholtz theorem. In addition, an adaptive growth law of for memristive channel gain is presented to express the self-adaptive property in of the memristive neuron. Dynamic analysis indicates that the memristive neuron can be induced complex firing patterns (bursting, spiking and chaotic) by changing the external stimuli and external magnetic field. The simulation result of the Multisim software illustrates that the memristive neuron can be realized by applying analog circuit.
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