Regular Article
Nonlinear optical properties in a hybrid system composed of metal nanoparticles and Woods-Saxon quantum wells
School of Physics and Materials Science, Guangzhou University, 510006, Guangzhou, China
Laboratory of Photonic Information Technology, South China Normal University, 510631, Guangzhou, China
School of Optoelectronic Engineering, Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University, 510665, Guangzhou, China
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The Woods-Saxon potential has a vital influence in nuclear physics, which is very flexible because different systems can be simulated by adjusting the parameters of Woods-Saxon potential. Here, employing Kramers–Henneberger transformation, the potential energy expression of Woods-Saxon quantum wells (WSQWs) under the action of terahertz laser field (TLF) is derived. Utilizing quantum theory, we revealed the effect of localized surface plasmons (LSPs) in metal nanoparticle on the optical absorption coefficients (OACs) and refraction index changes (RICs) of WSQWs with TLF applied. In contrast to the case without metal nanoparticle, the total OACs as well as total RICs show a redshift for peak positions and a reduction in peak values. Moreover, the total OACs and total RICs can be flexibly modulated by changing the radius of metal nanoparticle and the distance between metal nanoparticle and WSQWs. Besides, it is also revealed that the influences of LSPs on the total OACs and total RICs are different with different TLF applied.
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