2023 Impact factor 2.8

EPJ TI Review - Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy


As part of the Thematic Series on Raman Spectroscopies, a new Review Article has just been published providing a detailed overview of the state-of-the-art in Tip-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy (TERS). The authors discuss the capabilities of TERS, demonstrated through a summary of the major achievements of TERS techniques across many different fields of scientific research. It focuses on ongoing and potential applications of TERS including those in materials science, chemical science and biological science. Finally, the authors present an outlook on future development of the technique and the mechanisms being investigated to help achieve high signal enhancement and spatial resolution.

B. Fraboni and G. García López
I would like to thank the Editors for the effective editorial procedures and I would also like to thank the Copy Editors for their meticulous work.

Ahmet Baykal, Nigde University, Turkey

ISSN: 2190-5444 (Electronic Edition)

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