2023 Impact factor 2.8

EPJ TI - Review of multidimensional data processing approaches for Raman and infrared spectroscopy


A recent Review Article in EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation provides an overview of the latest data processing and pre-processing methods commonly used in Raman and IR spectroscopy, including imaging for better qualitative and quantitative analysis of biological samples.

Raman and Infrared (IR) spectroscopies provide information about the structure, functional groups and environment of the molecules in a sample. Over the past few decades Raman and IR microspectroscopy based techniques have been extensively used to understand fundamental biology and responses of living systems under diverse physiological and pathological conditions. The spectra from biological systems are complex and diverse, owing to their heterogeneous nature consisting of bio-molecules such as proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, carbohydrates etc. Therefore, interpretation of the results obtained is difficult and to overcome this various data mining methods are employed. These methods must be suitable for handling large multidimensional data sets and for exploring the complete spectral information simultaneously.

Part of the Thematic Series on Raman Spectroscopies, this Review describes the state-of-the-art data processing tools for multivariate analysis and the various preprocessing methods that are widely used in Raman and IR spectroscopy.

B. Fraboni and G. García López
I would like to express my gratitude to you for your efforts concerning my manuscript. Your expertise in choosing referee and the referee's valuable comments were excellent guide throughout the process of review.

E.K. Elmaghraby, Nuclear Research Center, Cairo, Egypt

ISSN: 2190-5444 (Electronic Edition)

© Società Italiana di Fisica and