2023 Impact factor 2.8

EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation – A new Open-Access Journal


The publishers are pleased to announce the publication of the first articles in the latest EPJ open-access journal – EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation.

EPJ Techniques and Instrumentation focuses on the design, implementation, and application of new techniques in all areas of the physical and applied sciences.

Of particular interest to the journal are advances produced by:

  • Laboratory-specific custom instrumentation and diagnostics
  • Innovative and clever experimental techniques
  • Subtle refinements to established experimental setups
  • Novel analytical methods

With the launch of EPJTI we hope to encourage the open access dissemination of detailed experimental design descriptions, experimental techniques and practices, and examples of results that arise from such experiments, that go beyond the scope of traditional scientific journal articles. The purpose of EPJTI is to catalyze the development and adoption of next-generation techniques and technologies.

EPJTI has a large international Editorial Board reflecting the broad coverage of the journal, led by a team of three Editors-in-Chief: Prof Stephen Buckman (Australian National University, Australia), Prof Peter Grütter (McGill University, Canada) and Prof Martin Hegner (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland).

The journal will feature regular Thematic Series to stimulate the publication of important papers in contemporary research areas - current series include Fundamentals of Nanomechanical Transduction and Raman Spectroscopies: Techniques and Applications. Of course, regular papers are also encouraged and we expect these to form the core of the journal.

We look forward to receiving your submissions to this new addition to the EPJ portfolio.

B. Fraboni and G. García López
Thank you again for your valuable and excellent assist in improving our paper and also for your kind cooperation. We hope to have opportunities for further collaboration with your excellent journal.

Hadi Sabri, University of Tabriz, Iran

ISSN: 2190-5444 (Electronic Edition)

© Società Italiana di Fisica and