EPJ D Topical Issue: Electron-Driven Processes from Single Collisions to High-Pressure Plasmas
- Details
- Published on 30 August 2023

Guest Editors: Jose L. Lopez, Michael Brunger, and Holger Kersten
The special Topical Issue of the European Physics Journal D (EPJ D) on “Electron-Driven Processes from Single Collisions to High-Pressure Plasmas” is published to honor Kurt H. Becker, who served as Editor-in-Chief for the journal from 2010 to 2016, on his 70th birthday. Electron-driven processes from single collisions to high-pressure plasmas definitely occupy a central position in atomic and plasma physics. Considering this, the Guest Editors compilated a broad range of original manuscripts that encompass the area of electron-atom and electron-molecular collisions, respectively, low-temperature plasma research and aligning with Kurt Becker’s emphasis on science innovation and entrepreneurship. Hence, the papers focus on various recent scientific and technological advances in this given area of physics, chemistry and technology of non-thermal plasmas.
Kurt Becker has had a long and remarkable research career that spans from the early 1980s to the present. At the core of all of his work were electron-driven and electron-initiated processes. Throughout his career, the study of electron-molecule collisions played a central role, particularly the measurement and calculation of electron ionization cross sections with molecules and free radicals of technological importance. In the 1990s, Prof. Becker was one of the early researchers who studied microplasmas, i.e. plasmas where at least one critical dimension is below 1mm. A main focus of his interest was on (micro)plasmas generated and sustained at atmospheric-pressure.
All articles are available here and are freely accessible until 22 October 2023. For further information read the Editorial.