Virginie SERIN and Luis VINA new Co-Editors-in-Chief of EPJ Applied Physics
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- Published on 12 January 2015
EPJAP is pleased to announce the appointment of Prof. Virginie Serin and Prof. Luis Viña as the journal’s new co-Editors-in-Chief. They will form an interdisciplinary leadership team for the journal.
Prof Virginie Serin and Prof Luis Viña’s terms begin on January 1, 2015. They are replacing Bernard Drévillon, who had served as Editor-in-Chief since the beginning of 2003. The new team will do its best to continue to build on the great work that their predecessor Bernard Drévillon has achieved during his term to further increase the global reach of the Journal, and to promote and encourage the recent progresses in the field of Applied Physics.
Virginie Serin and Luis Viña view this new position as a challenge. While EPJAP is in good shape right now, there are major challenges facing the journal, such as: how to promote the dissemination of Applied Physics and to propose suitable topics, to further our commitment to producing rapid and valued publications, to grow and diversify the already-efficient editorial board, to increase open access to Journal content, to publish attractive tutorial issues and fascinating review articles, to improve the recognition of the community for the finest referees, and finally to increase the impact factor by attracting the publishing outstanding papers.
The new team will endeavour to address developments in the fields covered by the Journal having in mind two keywords: innovation and insight. The Journal will continue to focus on semiconductors and devices, physics of organic materials and devices, thin films, nanomaterials and nanotechnologies, photonics, spintronics, magnetism and superconductivity, imaging, microscopy and spectroscopy, plasma, discharges and processes, physics of energy transfer, conversion and storage, instrumentation and metrology, physics and mechanics of fluids, microfluidics, biophysics and biosensors, and surfaces and interfaces.