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Extended holographic Rényi entropy and hyperbolic black hole with scalar hair
School of Physics, Sun Yat-sen University, 510275, Guangzhou, People’s Republic of China
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Extended Rényi entropy is a new type of generalization of the usual Rényi entropy that can relate to a thermodynamic quantity. In this paper, we first study the extended thermodynamics of the hyperbolic black holes with scalar hair. The result shows that there are no van der Waals behaviors for the hairy hyperbolic AdS black hole. We extend the description of holographic Rényi entropy of holographic conformal field theories with scalar hair. We show that the extended holographic Rényi entropy presents a transition at critical parameters when the black hole has a thermodynamic phase transition at a critical temperature. The inequalities of extended holographic Rényi entropy are satisfied in our holographic calculations. We also holographically compute the conformal dimension of twist operators in terms of gravitational quantities. Moreover, we generalize the capacity of entanglement from the extended Rényi entropy and show that it maps to the heat capacity of the thermal conformal field theories on the hyperbolic space. We also show that the extended holographic capacity of entanglement has a jump when the black hole has a zeroth-order phase transition.
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