Regular Article
Design of a space radiation shield for electronic components of LEO satellites regarding displacement damage
Department of Physics, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran
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The aim of this study was to design a proton and neutron shield for electronic components of LEO satellites regarding displacement damage. Simulations were done for low earth orbit by using MCNP code, and OMERE software. To protect the electronic component, polyethylene and borated polyethylene shields with different weight percentages of boron were used, and the damage reduction factor was calculated with respect to aluminum shield. For the proton source and with a thickness of 8.10 g/cm2, a 26% reduction in damage can be achieved compared to the aluminum shield. In the case of a neutron source, a damage reduction of more than 4.5-fold compared to aluminum can be achieved with 5% borated polyethylene. A reduction of 30% in damage was observed in comparison to the aluminum shield when considering all ionizing particles in the atmosphere.
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