Regular Article
Anticommuting (anti-)BRST symmetries in FLRW model: supervariable approach
Department of Physics, Institute of Applied Sciences and Humanities, GLA University, 281406, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India
Department of Physics, Siksha Bhavana, Visva-Bharati, 731235, Santiniketan, Bolpur, West Bengal, India
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Friedmann–Lematre–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) model, representing the isotropic and homogeneous Universe, has an inherent diffeomorphism (or reparametrization) invariance. For a given local time-reparametrization symmetry transformation of
-dimensional (1D) diffeomorphism invariant FLRW model, we derive the off-shell nilpotent and absolutely anticommuting (anti-)BRST symmetry transformations in a consistent manner. The supervariable approach to BRST formalism is used as a guiding tool in finding the proper (anti-)BRST transformations. An application of (super-)diffeomorphism invariance, in the context of superspace formalism, yields horizontality conditions. Moreover, the celebrated CF-type condition which is universal for 1D diffeomorphism invariant theories, emerges as an off-shoot of the horizontality condition and provides the absolute anticommutativity of the (anti-)BRST transformations. In addition, this CF-type condition leads to the derivation of coupled (but equivalent) (anti-)BRST invariant quantum Lagrangians for FLRW model. We also capture the geometrical interpretation of the (anti-)BRST transformations and their properties in terms of the Grassmannian translational generators and supervariables.
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