Regular Article
Exploring radiological contamination among the same moving objects based on a fusion between radioactive detectors and surveillance cameras
Radiation Applications Research School, Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute, Tehran, Iran
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The detection and monitoring of radiological contamination are crucial for ensuring public safety and environmental protection. However, identifying sources of radiation among passengers or cars can be challenging. This study proposes a novel approach based on data fusion and machine vision methods for identifying radiological contamination among the same moving objects. The proposed algorithm utilizes the CSRT and KLT methods to extract relevant features and track the same objects from camera data. The algorithm makes a correlation between radiological system data and detected objects to find a contaminated target. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm was evaluated in a laboratory testbed with small robots, and the results demonstrated high accuracy in detecting radiological contamination. This research demonstrates a promising approach to improving radiation monitoring and emergency response efforts by integrating surveillance cameras and radiological detection systems for public and big areas.
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