Regular Article
Optimal control analysis of Thalassemia: modeling the impact of awareness
Department of Mathematics, Jadavpur University, 188, Raja S. C. Mallik Road, 700032, Kolkata, India
Gargi Memorial Institute of Technology, 700144, Baruipur, Kolkata, India
Department of Basic Science and Humanities, Indian Institute of Information Technology, 813210, Bhagalpur, India
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This study investigates the impact of awareness on alleviating the burden of Thalassemia via a mathematical model. We obtain a precise formulation for the basic reproduction number and calculate its normalized forward sensitivity indices concerning the relevant parameters. These indices illustrate the respective positive or negative impacts of the model parameters on the prevalence of Thalassemia. Moreover, we establish an optimal control problem incorporating awareness-driven premarital screening and adult reconsideration of marriage as control measures. Our focus lies in minimizing the Thalassemia cases and the incurred costs. By utilizing Pontryagin’s maximum principle under time-dependent controls, we derive essential conditions for effective Thalassemia control. These conditions aid in formulating optimal control strategies for disease prevention. Our findings underscore the significant potential of these control measures in managing Thalassemia incidences. Furthermore, a cost-effectiveness analysis is conducted to identify the most efficient control technique among the considered options. The results reveal that the combined implementation of both controls emerges as the most effective strategy for preventing Thalassemia outbreaks while concurrently minimizing associated costs.
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