Regular Article
Renormalization-group improved Higgs to two gluons decay rate
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), 221005, Varanasi, India
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We investigate the renormalization-group scale and scheme dependence of the decay rate at the order N
LO in the renormalization-group summed perturbative theory, which employs the summation of all renormalization-group accessible logarithms including the leading and subsequent four sub-leading logarithmic contributions to the full perturbative series expansion. Moreover, we study the higher-order behaviour of the
decay width using the asymptotic Padé approximant method in four different renormalization schemes. Furthermore, the higher-order behaviour is independently investigated in the framework of the asymptotic Padé–Borel approximant method where generalized Borel-transform is used as an analytic continuation of the original perturbative expansion. The predictions of the asymptotic Padé–Borel approximant method are found to be in agreement with that of the asymptotic Padé approximant method. Finally, we provide the
decay rate at the order N
LO in the fixed-order
in the renormalization-group summed perturbative theories.
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