Regular Article
The effect of redshift function on the weak energy conditions in f(R) wormholes
Faculty of Physics, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, PO Box 76175, Kerman, Iran
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In the present paper, we investigate traversable wormhole solutions determined by an exponential shape function and fractional redshift function in the background of four viable f(R) models. Although in the absence of the redshift function , the null energy condition (NEC) and weak energy condition (WEC) are violated, we find that considering the redshift function, NEC and WEC are respected by choosing the appropriate parameters in the models. We also investigate the conditions of stability and absence of anti-gravity effects for these wormholes. Our results show that in the case of
, these conditions are satisfied easier than the case of
. Finally, we calculate the deflection angle using the gravitational lensing effect. We show that the deflection angle increases by inserting the redshift function.
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