Regular Article
In-medium electromagnetic form factors and spin polarizations
School of Physics and Astronomy, Sun Yat-Sen University, 519082, Zhuhai, China
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Despite significant progress having been made in understanding spin polarization phenomena in relativistic heavy ion collisions, the underlying assumption of weakly coupled medium is not well justified. To go beyond this limitation, we formulate spin polarization in background electromagnetic fields using form factors. We show that the form factors at tree level in vacuum reproduce the spin polarization effects found in chiral kinetic theory. The vacuum form factors corresponding to spin couplings to perpendicular electric fields, parallel and perpendicular magnetic fields are degenerate. The degeneracy can be lifted in medium. As an example, we calculate the in-medium QCD radiative corrections to the form factors at one-loop order, where we find partial lift of the degeneracy: The spin couplings to parallel and perpendicular magnetic fields are different, but the spin couplings to perpendicular electric and parallel magnetic fields remain the same.
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