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Anisotropic ultracompact star via complete geometric deformation in f(R, T) gravity
Department of Mathematics, Division of Science and Technology, University of Education, Lahore, Pakistan
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This article examines the gravastar, a peculiar stellar object under the impact of f(R, T) gravity by using a complete geometric deformation approach. With non-uniform as well as anisotropic characteristics, we develop an exact interior gravastar model that describes an ultracompact stellar structure. For the exterior domain described by the deformed Schwarzschild metric, the field equations are solved through numerical approach. A smooth matching of interior solution with the deformed Schwarzschild solution is also discussed. The graphical analysis of physical variables demonstrates that energy density possesses positive monotonically declining behavior from the center to the surface and the radial pressure exhibits negatively monotonic behavior. We analyze that all energy conditions except the strong one are met. It is concluded that the developed non-singular gravastar model is physically consistent.
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