Regular Article
Hysteresis loops of annealed MuMetal thick wire resulting from ring and cylinder specimens
Departament de Física, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain
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Welded ring and long cylinder specimens were prepared from a thick MuMetal wire and heat-treated at high temperature followed by slow cooling, with their major hysteresis M(H) loops measured by an automatic ballistic method and a demagnetizing corrected solenoid method, respectively. Having a similar ratio of remanence to saturation magnetization, , the loop of a well welded ring has a normal shape of coercivity A/m, but the loop of cylinders of A/m has a re-entrant feature of width increasing from at to a maximum and then decreasing with increasing , which is attributed to different domain structures induced by cooling in earth field. It is preferable to measure magnetic properties of soft magnetic wires by using long cylinder specimens. A complete data table of accurately calculated fluxmetric demagnetizing factor as a function of the aspect ratio and material susceptibility of paramagnetic cylinders is given to be used for demagnetizing correction in the solenoid measurement of semi-hard, semi-soft, and soft magnetic materials.
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