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A comprehensive investigation of combined convective nanoliquid flow past a wedge using a local thermal non-equilibrium model
Department of Mathematics, KLE Technological University, B V Bhoomaraddi Campus, Vidyanagar, 580 031, Hubballi, India
Data Science Across Disciplines Research Group (Institute for the Future of Knowledge), Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics, University of Johannesburg, PO Box 524, 2006, Auckland Park, South Africa
Department of Mathematics, MVJ College of Engineering, Whitefield, Kadugodi, 560 067, Bangalore, India
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This paper investigates the influence of liquid hydrogen diffusion on nonlinear coupled convective nanoliquid flow in a porous media with activation energy. Notably, assessing the impact of flow changes in the presence of LTNE has received a lot of attention. In the nanoliquid model, Brownian motion and thermophoresis were taken into account. The characterization of nanofluid flow and heat transfer patterns in such systems is essential for developing the sector. The LTNE includes energy equations that specify various temperature patterns for the solid and liquid phases. By using non-similar transformations, the governing PDEs are transformed into non-dimensional forms. In order to solve coupled non-dimensional partial differential equations with boundary constraints, the quasilinearization method and the finite difference approximation were utilized. As the permeability of the porous media and porosity increase, the fluid’s velocity rises. With increasing values of the thermophoresis parameter, the temperature of the solid phase increases. Additionally, in the LTNE situation, when the combined convection parameter rises, the temperature pattern for the solid phase becomes less pronounced. Furthermore, increasing the quadratic convection parameter’s value causes the solid phase to aid buoyancy flow while decreasing the opposing buoyancy flow’s effect on the solid phase’s ability to transmit energy. On the other hand, at and as the wedge angle parameter increases from to drag coefficient increases approximately by 28%. In validating the numerical technique, results were compared with those that had already been published.
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