Regular Article
Can we bypass no-go theorem for Ricci-inverse gravity?
UM-DAE Centre for Excellence in Basic Sciences, 400098, Mumbai, India
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 400076, Mumbai, India
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Recently, Amendola et al. proposed a geometrical theory of gravity containing higher-order derivative terms (Amendola et al. in Phys Lett B 811:135923, 2020., arXiv:2006.04209). The authors introduced anticurvature scalar (A), which is the trace of the inverse of the Ricci tensor (). In this work, we consider two classes of Ricci-inverse—Class I and Class II—models. Class I models are of the form f(R, A) where f is a function of Ricci and anticurvature scalars. Class II models are of the form where is a function of Ricci scalar and square of anticurvature tensor. For both these classes of models, we numerically solve the modified Friedmann equations in the redshift range . We show that the late-time evolution of the Universe, i.e., evolution from matter-dominated epoch to accelerated expansion epoch, can not be explained by these two classes of models. Using the reduced action approach, we show that we can not bypass the no-go theorem for Ricci-inverse gravity models. Finally, we discuss the implications of our analysis for the early-Universe cosmology.
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