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Noise-free Set-Reset latch operation in nonlinear fractional-order systems
School of Mathematics and Physics, China University of Geosciences, 430074, Wuhan, China
Department of Physics, College of Science, Huazhong Agricultural University, 430070, Wuhan, China
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The Set-Reset latch is a fundamental part of computer systems and can be used to store information. However, the Set-Reset latch is only studied in integer-order systems, and real-world systems usually have memory effects. A fractional-order system will be more appropriate for a study. Therefore, this paper explores the impact of memory effects on the Set-Reset latch logic operation by studying the harmonic-driven Set-Reset latch operation in a nonlinear fractional-order two-well potential system. The results show that the system holds different memory effects at and
. However, the impact of memory effects can be eliminated under certain harmonic driving forces, so the system can form a stable logic gate and implement logical vibrational resonance (LVR). Finally, the relationship between LVR and the fractional order is studied. This research reveals the interesting dynamic properties of the fractional system and provides a reference for choosing a more practical system to implement LVR.
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