Regular Article
Fast-moving electrostatic solitons in a plasma with turbulence heating
Department of Physics, Gauhati University, 781014, Guwahati, India
Department of Physics, University of Science & Technology Meghalaya, 793101, Ri-Bhoi, India
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In this work, it is shown that electrostatic solitons in a plasma with turbulent heating of the electrons through an accelerating electric field can form with very high velocities, reaching up to several order of magnitudes larger than the equilibrium ion-sound speed. The possible parameter regime, where this work may be relevant, can be found in the so-called dead zones of a protoplanetary disk. Though these zones are stable to magnetorotational instability, the resultant turbulence can in fact heat the electrons making them follow a highly non-Maxwellian velocity distribution. We show that these fast-moving solitons can reach very high velocities. With electron velocity distribution described by the Davydov distribution function, we argue that these solitons can be an effective mechanism for energy equilibration in such a situation through soliton decay and radiation.
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