Regular Article
An autonomous IoT monitoring unit for radiological and nuclear emergency management
Department of Civil and Industrial Engineering, University of Pisa, Largo Lucio Lazzarino 1, Pisa, Italy
National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Via di Vigna Murata 605, Rome, Italy
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Recent technological advancements have facilitated the deployment of distributed, cost-effective, and energy-efficient wireless sensor networks that are increasingly applied in various industrial and civil sectors, including the radiological and nuclear domains. In such a context, the role of radiation monitoring and early detection in ensuring the safety of both workers and the public during standard operations and in response to hazardous events is well recognized. In normal operations, a robust radiation monitoring framework is necessary to maintain compliance more easily with regulatory standards and prevent accidents or leaks from occurring. In response to hazardous events, early radiation detection is essential to the safety of emergency responders, citizens, and the environment. To this aim, this study introduces an autonomous device designed for enhanced radiological and nuclear emergency management capable of gamma rays and thermal neutrons detection. The unit features ultra-low power consumption, making it suitable for long-term placements in hard-to-reach or sensitive areas, and it employs long-range radio technology to ensure wireless and reliable data transmission over long distances, even in challenging environments. Its extended battery life, robust networking capabilities, and autonomous functionality make it suitable for continuous monitoring in critical areas such as nuclear power plants, urban radiation monitoring locations, post-disaster zones, and healthcare radiology units. Leveraging long-range radio technology ensures decentralized and secure monitoring without relying on local internet networks. This device addresses a critical need in radiological and nuclear emergency management, providing reliable measurements, longevity, and easy integration with existing networks and Internet-of-Things technologies.
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