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Enhancing lime mortar carbonation using natural polymers from Prosopis Juliflora
Department of Civil Engineering, KCG College of Technology, KCG College Road, Karapakkam, 600 097, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Easwari Engineering College, 600 089, Ramapuram, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Civil Engineering, Vel’s Institute of Science Technology and Advanced Studies, 600117, PallavaramChennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Department of Networking and Communications, School of Computing, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, 603 203, Kattakulathur, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
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Lime mortar was traditionally used in construction due to its flexibility, breathability, and ability to resist atmospheric impurities. Despite its benefits, it is less favoured today because of its slower setting time and lower durability compared to modern alternatives. However, lime mortar remains the preferred choice for restoring historical monuments due to its durability. To enhance its performance, various additives have been introduced. Natural polymers, such as Prosopis Juliflora (PJF), are particularly effective in improving the quality of lime mortar. PJF is rich in carbohydrates and possesses natural water retention properties, which aid in accelerating the carbonation process. In this study, PJF extract was mixed with lime mortar in concentrations of 1%, 3%, and 5% to evaluate its effectiveness in terms of consistency, strength, durability, and resistance to water and salt crystallization. Among the tested samples and a reference sample, the 5% PJF mixture (PJF-5%) demonstrated the best results across all analyses.
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