Regular Article
Investigating color dynamics in composite lumbers: a diffractive approach to surface topography
Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 201210, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
Department of High School, Shanghai Starriver Bilingual School, 201108, Shanghai, People’s Republic of China
Department of Physics, Hechi University, 546300, Hechi, People’s Republic of China
Department of Physics, Northeast Forestry University, 150040, Harbin, People’s Republic of China
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This study delves into the optical quality of composite lumber, a prevalent building material, focusing on surface color changes due to varying roughness. Using a diffractive model, this study analyzes the influence of surface topography on PVC and PU-coated composite lumbers. Experimental setups involved manually polishing samples with different mesh size (graininess) sandpapers, followed by capturing reflectance spectra using the WGS-9 Chromaticity Experimental Apparatus. The one-dimensional ideal diffraction grating-based model proposes that the polished surface behaves as an ideal grating “film” superimposed on the raw surface, correlating grating constant with sandpaper roughness. The results reveal a linear trend in color changes with sandpaper grits. This model effectively explores the trend of color alterations, particularly with smoother sandpapers. This study offers insights for developing models bridging irregular surface structures and optical properties, which is crucial for advancing composite material engineering and design.
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