Regular Article
Bouncing cosmologies and stability analysis in symmetric teleparallel f(Q) gravity
Department of Physics, University of Hassan II Casablanca, Casablanca, Morocco
L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, 010008, Astana, Kazakhstan
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This paper is devoted to examining cosmological bouncing scenarios in the framework of the recently proposed symmetric teleparallel gravity (or f(Q) gravity), where the non-metricity scalar Q represents the gravitational interaction. We assume an f(Q) model in the form of , where and n are free model parameters. To obtain a bouncing universe, we consider a special form of the scale factor a(t) in terms of cosmic time, specifically , where is an arbitrary constant. We derive the field equations for the flat FLRW universe and obtain the corresponding exact solution. We investigate the physical behavior of various cosmological parameters such as the deceleration parameter, pressure, and equation of state (EoS) parameter with the energy conditions for our bounce cosmological model. Furthermore, we investigate the behavior of the perturbation terms and with respect to cosmic time t using the scalar perturbation approach. We found that although the model exhibits unstable behavior at the beginning for a brief period, it shows mostly stable behavior for most of the time. Finally, we conclude that the EoS parameter crosses the quintom line in the vicinity of the bouncing point , which confirms the success of our bounce cosmological model.
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