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Analysing wormhole geometry under dark energy influences in Finsler-Barthel-Kropina frameworks
Department of P.G Studies and Research in Mathematics, Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, 577451, Shivamogga, Karnataka, India
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This study investigates the geometry of wormholes within the framework of Finsler space, with a particular focus on Kropina spaces and the role of Barthel connections. Using the osculation technique in Kropina spaces, we formulate the Finsler-Barthel-Kropina metric, highlighting the influence of the Finslerian vector field in addition to the effects of Riemannian metric tensor , through the parameter derived from the vector field . Field equations are developed, and the impact of the parameter on wormhole geometry is analysed through different models by taking as the constant () and as the function of radial distance (). The models reveal violations of energy conditions, suggesting the theoretical possibility of wormhole existence. In Model 1, both Case 1 and Case 2 demonstrate adherence to the necessary properties of shape functions and indicate energy condition violations within specific ranges, pointing to the plausible formation of wormholes. Model 2, through its examination in Case 1 and Case 2, identifies violations of the Null Energy Condition (NEC) within a range of equation of state parameter () values, implying wormhole formation possibly influenced by dark or phantom energy. Model 3, which applies linear state models across two cases, also records NEC violations within the domain of the , reinforcing the potential for wormhole existence. These findings underscore the crucial role of dark or phantom energy in the formation of wormhole structures within the Finsler-Barthel-Kropina geometry, offering new insights into essential cosmological theories and the fundamental nature of space–time in Finsler geometry background.
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