Regular Article
Dual fear phenomenon in an eco-epidemiological model with prey aggregation
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Samford University, 35229, Birmingham, AL, USA
Department of Mathematics, Iowa State University, 50011, Ames, IA, USA
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This study presents an analysis of an eco-epidemiological model that integrates infectious diseases in prey, prey aggregation, and the dual fear effect induced by predators. We establish criteria for determining the existence of equilibrium points, which carry substantial biological significance. We establish the conditions for the occurrence of Hopf, saddle-node, and transcritical bifurcations by employing fear parameters as key bifurcation parameters. Furthermore, through numerical simulations, we demonstrate the occurrence of multiple zero–Hopf and saddle-node transcritical bifurcations around the endemic steady states by varying specific key parameters across the two-parametric plane. We demonstrate that the introduction of predator-induced fear, which hinders the growth rate of susceptible prey, can lead to the finite time extinction of an initially stable susceptible prey population. Finally, we discuss management strategies aimed at regulating disease transmission, focusing on fear-based interventions and selective predation via predator attack rate on infectious prey.
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