Regular Article
Spatiotemporal patterns of the network composed of modified Chua’s circuits with distributed coupling
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Yancheng Teachers University, 224002, Yancheng, China
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To further investigate the formation mechanism of spatiotemporal patterns, a network which is composed of modified Chua’s circuits is constructed. The dynamics of the modified Chua’s circuit with appropriate parameters are presented via numerical computation and circuit simulation. The spatiotemporal patterns of the regular network and the network with distributed coupling are studied, respectively. Spiral wave can be induced in the network on the condition of initial values. The spread speed of the spiral wave in the regions with larger coupling intensity is faster than those regions with smaller coupling intensity, which could result in spiral waves in different regions having different shapes. Various interesting spatiotemporal patterns can be formed in the network under the influence of distributed coupling and initial conditions. In addition, the spatiotemporal patterns in the network with distributed coupling under external periodic excitation and noise perturbation are studied, respectively.
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