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A model dependent study of forward–backward multiplicity correlation in pp collisions at LHC energies
Department of Physics, New Alipore College, L Block, New Alipore, 700053, Kolkata, India
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An investigation of forward–backward multiplicity correlation in UrQMD simulated pp collisions at has been carried out in this paper in terms of correlation coefficient. Correlation coefficient has been found to decrease with increasing the separation
between the forward and backward pseudo-rapidity zones. Correlation coefficient has also been found to increase with the increase in energy of collisions. Qualitatively my analysis is supported by the analysis of ALICE collaboration. A comparison of my UrQMD simulated results with the results obtained from the analysis of EPOS3 simulated data by some other group has also been presented. The results of the present investigation are qualitatively compatible with the current EPOS3 model predictions in terms of energy dependence and variation of correlation coefficients with
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