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Extended landslide velocity and analytical drag
Chair of Landslide Research, School of Engineering and Design, Technical University of Munich, Arcisstrasse 21, 80333, Munich, Germany
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The landslide velocity plays a dominant role in estimating the impact force and devastated area. Here, based on Pudasaini and Krautblatter (Earth Surf Dyn 10:165–189, 2022., I develop a novel extended landslide velocity model that includes the force induced by the hydraulic pressure gradient, which was neglected by all the existing analytical landslide velocity models. By a rigorous conversion between this force and inertia, which facilitates constructing exact analytical solutions for velocity, I develop two peer systems expecting to produce the same result. However, this contradicts with our conventional wisdom. This raises a legitimate question of whether we should develop some new balance equations such that these phenomena can be better explained naturally. I compare the two velocity models that neglect and include the force induced by the hydraulic pressure gradient. Analytical solutions produced by the two systems are fundamentally different. The new model is comprehensive, elegant, and yet an extraordinary development as it reveals serendipitous circumstance resulting in a pressure–inertia paradox. Surprisingly, the mass first moves upstream for quite a while; then, it winds back and continues accelerating down slope. The difference between the extended and simple solution is significant, and widens strongly as the force associated with the hydraulic pressure gradient increases, demonstrating the importance of this force in the landslide velocity. The viscous drag is an essential dissipative force mechanism and plays an important role in controlling the landslide dynamics. However, no explicit mechanical and analytical model exists to date for this. The careful sagacity of the graceful form of new velocity equation results in a plain, yet mechanically extensive, analytical model for viscous drag, the first of this kind. It contains several physical and geometrical parameters, and evolves dynamically as it varies inversely with the flow depth. A dimensionless drag number is constructed characterizing the drag dynamics. Importance of the drag model is explained. In contrast with the prevailing practices, I have proved that drags are essentially different for the expanding and contracting motions. This is an entirely novel revelation. Drag coefficients are close to the empirical or numerical values often used in practice. But, now, I offer an innovative, physically founded analytical model for the drag that can be instantly applied in mass flow simulations.
© The Author(s) 2024
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