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A new algorithm for solving nonlinear parabolic equations using extreme learning machine method with parameter retention
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Central South University, Lushan Road, 410083, Changsha, Hunan, China
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This paper proposes a new iterative method using extreme learning machine (ELM) to solve nonlinear parabolic equations. Unlike feedforward neural networks, ELM does not require training a large number of parameters, but only needs to calculate the pseudo-inverse of the matrix, reducing a significant amount of computation time. The important step of the new iterative method is to first use supervised learning to obtain the initial conditions of the discretized partial differential equation and then continue to calculate the differential operator while retaining the parameters. Finally, the finite difference method is used for iterative solution in time. The key difference here is that the parameters of the ELM are retained throughout the entire process and do not need to be updated. The feasibility of our method is verified by applying it to two nonlinear parabolic equations.
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