Regular Article
Impact of Sm3+ ions concentration on the luminescence features of aluminium incorporated tri-former glasses for photonic applications
Department of Physics, The Gandhigram Rural Institute - Deemed to be University, 624 302, Gandhigram, India
Department of Physics, Farook College (Autonomous), 673632, Kozhikode, India
Physics Department, Faculty of Science, King Khalid University, 61413, Abha, Saudi Arabia
Research Center for Advanced Materials Science (RCAMS), King Khalid University, 61413, Abha, Saudi Arabia
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Aluminium incorporated tri-former glasses with varying Samarium ion concentrations are the new series of glass materials for luminescence applications. The tile materials are manufactured by the standard melt quenching method, and their physical properties such as density, and refractive index were determined. The UV–Vis-NIR spectra comprise thirteen peaks, and the transition 6H5/2 → 6F7/2 is found to be hypersensitive in nature. The covalent/ ionic character of the present xSmBSPA glasses was determined using the Nephelauxetic ratio and bonding parameters. Oscillator strength and JO parameters were estimated for all the glasses and the JO parameters followed the trend as Ω6 > Ω4 > Ω2. The excitation spectrum followed by the emission spectra monitoring an excitation wavelength at 402 nm was recorded for all the present samples, exhibiting four emission bands. The emission transitions 4G5/2 → 6H5/2 (564 nm), 6H7/2 (600 nm), 6H9/2 (646 nm), and 6H11/2 (702 nm) emit visible light in the reddish-orange region, which is confirmed through the CIE color chromaticity coordinates. A reduction in the emission intensity beyond 0.25% of Sm2O3 content is ascribed to the cross-relaxation process between the energy levels. The lasing features such as transition probability (A), stimulated emission cross-section (), branching ratios (βR), and radiative lifetime (τR) have been determined for the prominent emission transitions. The enhanced radiative parameter
, βR and τR values of the xSmBSPA glasses, especially 0.25SmBSPA glass, confirm its potential for the production of devices for photonic applications.
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