Regular Article
Dynamic study of a ternary trilayer Ising system with crystal field interaction
Sorgun Vocational School, Bozok University, Yozgat, Turkey
Department of Physics, Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey
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A mixed Ising spins model was suggested to study the ternary trilayer model’ dynamic study with Glauber-type stochastic dynamics besides the mean-field theory. We used the Glauber transition rates to construct the mean-field dynamic equations and solved these equations numerically. We investigated the temperature dependency of the dynamic order parameters to illustrate the character of the dynamic phase transition (DPT), to acquire the DPT points. We also found dynamic compensation temperatures (DCT) and the DCT types. It was observed that the system showed and compensation types. Moreover, the model’s dynamic phase diagrams where the compensation phenomenon was present or absent were obtained for various planes. The Hamiltonian parameters’ effect on the overall dynamic behavior of the system was comprehensively investigated and found that strongly dependent on these parameters. Our findings may prove helpful in the experimental and theoretical research on kinetic systems.
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