Regular Article
Control of entanglement, single excited-state population and memory-assisted entropic uncertainty of two qubits moving in a cavity by using a classical driving field
Department of Physics, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University, PO Box 51745-406, Tabriz, Islamic Republic of Iran
Department of Physics, Payame Noor University, P.O.Box 19395-3697, Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Published online:
We study the exact Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics of entanglement, excited-state population, and quantum memory-assisted entropic uncertainty of two dipole-dipole interacting atom qubits inside a leaky cavity. The qubits move inside the cavity and interact with a classical driving laser field. Besides analyzing the possibility of steady-state entanglement generation and protection, we investigate the influence of the system parameters on the dynamics of entanglement, single excited-state population, and memory-assisted entropic uncertainty. As a result, we find that, although the dipole-dipole interaction, as well as the qubit velocity, can destroy the initial qubit-qubit entanglement, by applying a classical field both the excited-state population and entanglement remain at their maximal value as time passes. In particular, we show that much better performance of preservation is observed when the frequency of the classical driving field is resonant with the qubits transition frequency. We also examine the effect of the classical driving on the quantum memory-assisted entropic uncertainty of qubits. Our numerical result reveals that when both the qubits are driven by the classical fields, the uncertainty and its lower bound are reduced, and consequently the measurement accuracy is increased.
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