Regular Article
Gamma convergence and renormalization group: Two sides of a coin?
Math. Dept Sapienza, Rome, Italy
Mathematics Area Sissa, Trieste, Italy
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We discuss, both from the point of view of Gamma convergence and from the point of view of the renormalization Group, the zero range strong contact interaction of three non-relativistic massive particles. Formally, the potential term is and is the limit of approximating potentials , . The presence of a delta function in the limit does not allow the use of standard tools of functional analysis. In the first approach (European Phys. J. Plus 136-363, 2021), (European Phys. J. Plus 1136-1161, 2021), we introduced a map , called Krein Map , from to a space (Minlos space) ) of more singular functions. In , the system is represented by a one parameter family of self-adjoint operators. In the topology of , the system is an ordered family of weakly closed quadratic forms. By Gamma convergence, the infimum is a self-adjoint operator, the Hamiltonian H of the system. Gamma convergence implies resolvent convergence (An Introduction to Gamma Convergence Springer 1993) but not operator convergence!. This approach is variational and non-perturbative. In the second approach, perturbation theory is used. At each order of perturbation theory, divergences occur when . A finite renormalized Hamiltonian is obtained by redefining mass and coupling constant at each order of perturbation theory. In this approach, no distinction is made between self-adjoint operators and quadratic forms. One expects that , i.e., that “renormalization” amounts to the difference between the Hamiltonian obtained by quadratic form convergence and the one obtained by Gamma convergence. We give some hints, but a formal proof is missing. For completeness, we discuss briefly other types of zero-range interactions.
This paper is dedicated to Elliott Lieb, an outstanding scientist and a friend, in celebration of his 90th birthday.
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Copyright comment corrected publication 2022
© The Author(s) 2022. corrected publication 2022
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