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Implementing an X-ray tomography method for fusion devices
Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences (IFJ PAN), 31-342, Krakow, Poland
CEA, IRFM, 13108, Saint Paul-lez-Durance, France
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In fusion devices, the X-ray plasma emissivity contains essential information on the magnetohydrodynamic activity, the magnetic equilibrium and on the transport of impurities, in particular for tokamaks in the soft X-ray (SXR) energy range of 0.1–20 keV. In this context, tomography diagnostics are a key method to estimate the local plasma emissivity from a given set of line-integrated measurements. Unfortunately, the reconstruction problem is mathematically ill-posed, due to very sparse and noisy measurements, requiring an adequate regularization procedure. The goal of this paper is to introduce, with a didactic approach, some methodology and tools to develop an X-ray tomography algorithm. Based on a simple 1D tomography problem, the Tikhonov regularization is described in detail with a study of the optimal reconstruction parameters, such as the choice of the emissivity spatial resolution and the regularization parameter. A methodology is proposed to perform an in situ sensitivity and position cross-calibration of the detectors with an iterative procedure, by using the information redundancy and data variability in a given set of reconstructed profiles. Finally, the basic steps to build a synthetic tomography diagnostics in a more realistic tokamak environment are introduced, together with some tools to assess the capabilities of the 2D tomography algorithm.
Focus Point on Modern Developments in Applications for Plasma Physics.
© The Author(s) 2021
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