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Anomalous spin configuration and solitonic wave formation in magnetic materials: Ferron-soliton duality
Department of Physics, Higher Teacher Training College, University of Bamenda, Bambili, Cameroon
Department of Physics, Higher Technical Teacher Training College, University of Bamenda, Bambili, Cameroon
Department of Artificial Intelligence Engineering, AI and Robotics Institute, Near East University, Mersin 10, Nicosia, North Cyprus
Research Unit Condensed Matter, Electronics and Signal Processing, University of Dschang, Dschang, Cameroon
Promotion Centre of Research for Technological Advancement and Sustainable Development (PCR-TASD), P.O.Box: 55, Maroua, Cameroon
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The paper considers a ferron model in a Neel-type magnetic cluster and investigates the solitonic dynamics of the magnetization induced by the impurity. The spin-edge displacement satisfies a set of discrete self-trapping equations, where the radially bounded solutions are obtained for special configurations. The spin rearrangement of the cluster leads to an anomalous spin configuration, where the magnetization of the system is represented as a bright soliton mode for antiferromagnetic clusters, while a dark soliton mode is observed for ferromagnetic clusters. It is found that the electron-magnon coupling strength induces an inhomogeneity in the magnetization, which increases the amplitude of the soliton wave. As far as the influence of the external field is concerned, a strong magnetic field induces ferron magnetization, where the spin flop is recovered for the critical B-field, leading to ferromagnetism. Numerical simulations are performed based on Python QuTip modules, and it is observed that the results regarding the solitonic behavior of the ferron are in perfect agreement with the analytical predictions.
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